Request a speaker

Over 30 years of developing and operating accessible housing has given MAHO the experience with which to provide extensive education on visitability, accessible design, and universal design in housing. This includes seminars and presentations, which we have conducted for organizations, churches, and other groups.

Listed below are some of the presentations we’ve shared over the last year:

  • Shopping for an accessible home. This presentation utilizes MAHO’s “accessible home shopping lists” to cover simple accessibility features. We also discuss what to look for when shopping for a new home.
  • Aging in place…on budget! Seniors and caregivers can learn how to modify their homes for safety and discover best practices and resources.
  • Accessibility 101: Buying and selling homes for seniors and people with disabilities.Designed for real estate agents, this continuing education course covers the basics of home accessibility and how to work with buyers in need of accessibility features, including seniors looking to age in place.
  • Accessibility for volunteers with physical disabilities. This presentation covers basic accessibility and other considerations for nonprofit organizations that work with people with physical disabilities, including volunteers, Board members, consumers, and staff.

If you are interested in an accessibility speaker, please contact Beth Glas at 216.231.0990 or